Schiederweiher – Jewel of the Stodertals
The Schiederweiher enchants with crystal-clear, turquoise-blue water and a spectacular view of the Spitzmauer and the Großer Priel, whose peaks often reflect picturesquely on the surface. Framed by dark forests and lush meadows, this natural gem rightly bears the name “Pearl of the Stodertal”. During the excursion, ample breaks are taken, during which culinary delights are not neglected.
Images: © Pyhrn-Priel Tourismus GmbH
Services / Price
General information
Services / Price
Services :
- Bus ride and toll
- lunch menu
€ 80.00 per person P
General information
General information
- All trips are carried out with modern coaches.
- You will be accompanied on all trips by our friendly and competent drivers.
- Depending on the route, we offer you boarding options at different points and shuttle taxis upon request.
- All trips require a minimum participation of 20 people.
- Program changes or cancellations are reserved due to incalculable events (Corona, weather, …).
- Our seats are assigned in order of booking. You are welcome to let us know your wishes, we will try to accommodate them.